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A couple of factors could make your Xbox console turn off during an update. One of them is if the system is hot or the power supply unit is faulty. If you’re currently experiencing this issue, you should not worry too much, as there are a couple of fixes for it.

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How long does it take to update an Xbox?

Before addressing this question, let me start by talking about how important system updates are to your Xbox console.

According to Microsoft, system updates for your Xbox gaming console are important. There are tons of reasons why you need to keep your Xbox up to date with the latest software. One of them is that it’ll help improve your gaming experience.

Yes, Xbox system updates help to improve the experience of gamers by introducing additional features. I’m sure you know that new features often come as an improvement over pre-existing ones. In some cases, system updates are also essential to help you keep your system’s firmware updated.

Another good thing about Xbox system updates is that they are pretty safe. That’s so because you’re downloading the updates directly from the Xbox network to your Xbox gaming console.

Furthermore, Xbox system updates usually come in two different forms. There are available updates and mandatory updates.

Speaking of Xbox’s mandatory updates, they only surface if it’s been a long time since you disconnected your console from the Xbox network.

As for Xbox’s available updates; they are usually rolled out to your system from time to time. Your gaming console is designed, by default, to check for available system updates every night. Once there’s any update, you get a notification to manually download and install it on your console.

Alternatively, you can decide to opt for an automatic download and installation method available updates. Of course, this will require you to do some settings on your gaming console. To do that, here are a few steps that you can follow below:

  • First, you need to open your Xbox guide. To do that, all you need to do is press the Xbox button.
  • After that, choose “Profile & system” and navigate to Settings. From there choose System and then Updates.
  • Under the “Updates” page, you need to look for and choose “Keep my console up to date“. This will allow your Xbox to update itself automatically.
  • You can also consider selecting “Keep my games & apps up to date.” This option is designed for gamers looking to have their games updated automatically from time to time.

Manual download and installation set up

For manual download and installation setup of Xbox available updates, all you need is to follow the simple and direct steps below:

  • First, have your gaming console connected to the internet.
  • After that, open your Xbox guide by pressing the Xbox button.
  • Next, choose “Profile & system“, and navigate to Settings > System > Updates.
  • On the Updates page, look for and select the “Console update available” option.

It’s worth knowing that both the automatic and manual download and installation methods above have their strengths and weaknesses. For instance, the manual method takes a longer time to complete the whole download and installation process for the available system update. Yes, it can sometimes take up to 15 to 20 minutes to have your Xbox gaming console updated with the latest system updates.

The bottom line is that most Xbox updates take between 15 to 20 minutes to download and install. However, it sometimes takes a bit longer, depending on a couple of factors, including your internet connection and how many people are downloading at the same time as you?

Why does my Xbox console keep turning off during an update?

As earlier mentioned, Xbox system updates through automatic and manual approaches have their strengths and weaknesses. One setback of manually updating your system is that your Xbox console might end up switching off on its own during an update. Unfortunately, if this happens, you’ll have to restart the console just to have the available system update downloaded and installed.


A couple of factors contribute to why most Xbox video gaming consoles turn off during an update. If the system turns off unexpectedly, maybe your Xbox console is too hot. This could happen if you don’t have your Xbox positioned in a properly-ventilated area.

That’s not all; your console can also misbehave because it’s too hot to touch. This happens if you’ve played the game for a very long period. Apart from that, if you have a Blu-Ray Player or a Cable Box placed on top of your Xbox One, this could also cause overheating. Another thing that could make your Xbox become hit is if the built-in fan is faulty or failing.

Faulty power supply

Your power supply is another thing that you need to be worried about if your Xbox console switches off unexpectedly every time, especially when you’re performing an important update. This is very annoying and frustrating, to say the least.

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(Attribution: ©simpson33/123RF.COM)

How do you fix an Xbox that keeps turning off during an update?

Depending on why your Xbox keeps turning off by itself, there are a few ways to fix the issue. That said, the very first thing you need is to troubleshoot the problem and understand what’s really causing the abnormal behavior of the gaming console.

I have already mentioned some of the most common causes of unexpected shutdown of the Xbox gaming console during an update. So, let’s work on them and see how to address each of the issues.

Fixes for overheating

After troubleshooting your Xbox, is the cause of the unexpected shutdown during an update overheating? If yes, you need to understand that there are a couple of things that you can do to control the situation.

Overheating could arise because the internal heat fan of your gaming console is faulty or misbehaving. If it’s faulty, the best way to address the unexpected shutting down issue is by getting a new fan.

If you live in a very hot environment, consider buying an external cooling fan for your Xbox console. The Ideashop Xbox One S Vertical Stand Cooling Fan is one of the reliable products that you can buy. This product is perfect for the Xbox One S gaming console. You can check here to learn more about the product, including its price, features, availability, as well as how to order it.

However, if it’s misbehaving because of the accumulation of dirt and dust, the first thing you need is to use “Dust-Off” or “Can Air” to blow air into the vents of your gaming console. If that method fails to work, you may need to open your Xbox and clean the fan thoroughly. But when doing that, make sure you’re careful not to damage any component of the system, including the heat fan.

Fixing the power supply issue

The best way to fix this issue is to consider buying a new power cord for your Xbox console. However, if you don’t have enough budget for it, you can consider bending your cord the proper way to see if the system will stop turning off during an update.
