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When it comes to streaming services, it pays to know your rights.

Nitro TV is legal only if the provider has a license to stream content. The provider must have a copyright license allowing them to broadcast the channel. If the provider has the license, you’ll be free to stream and watch Nitro TV at any time.

Is IPTV Legal In The USA?

Streaming IPTV in the United States is legal as long as you don’t use the service to provide and sell illegally acquired content. Similarly, it is illegal to download TV shows and movies over Internet Protocol Television. Thus, IPTV is only legal when you use it to watch free to air or paid content which you have subscribed to.

What makes IPTV illegal in the United States is that it allows consumers to stream and watch subscription channels like Netflix for free through broadband connections. Some of them use legal boxes such as amazon, Android, and Kodi boxes to stream subscription content for free.  It is for this reason that the US authority considers some of the IPTV activities illegal.

With the Kodi boxes Android and Amazon boxes, one can stream and watch paid subscriptions such as Netflix for free.

Also, they can access subscription channels for free. However, these are boxes that allow users to access and stream legitimate content through subscription. Some of them have illegal features. For instance, Kodi is one of the boxes that feature illicit add-ons that allow consumers to illegally access and stream content through websites.

Users can configure the boxes to enable them to access illicit websites, giving viewers access to subscription option TV, including watching films, Premier league, and other sporting channels without paying the required fee. Besides, it allows them to stream and watch these channels anywhere in the world.

The boxes are a threat to society since they limit parental control and allow children to access inappropriate content without their parents’ knowledge. Other hazards associated with the boxes and which make the authorities contemplate issuing permanent injunctions to IPTV activities include:

Electrical safety – most of the boxes consumers use to access the channels lack standard plugs. Besides, they have been tested and found to fail the US, EU, and UK safety standards.

Sources of spyware, malware, and viruses- Most of the platforms and devices they use to access or to stream the content are malicious software sources that expose consumers to risks such as unauthorized access to personal data and private financial accounts details on their computers.

Customer support – since they are illegitimate entities and websites, you do not expect to get any customer support services. Besides, when the boxes fail to offer the desired service, the only option you will have is to reprogram them- which comes with an additional fee.

They are unreliable – Since the activities are illegal, they can go off air without prior notice. Besides, the websites serve many people, meaning that they can fail if the number of customers accessing them increases substantially at any given time. Also, when the service stops abruptly, do not expect to get any redress or refund.

They kill the creative industry – piracy is killing the creative industry. People spend a lot of time and money creating the content only for a few people to pocket the proceeds.

They raise funds for organized crimes- The proceeds from the sale of the illicit streaming activities find their way to criminals, where it finances criminal activities.

Is nitro TV legal in the USA?

Nitro TV is legal as long as you watch channels that your provider has a license to stream.  Devices such as Amazon box, Android TV box, and many others are legal and available on the market. However, when you use them to watch subscription channels such as Sky Sports without paying the required subscription fee, the action is illegal. It renders watching nitro TV illegal in that circumstance.

When you watch Nitro TV over these boxes, it breaches Copyright laws, and so if found, you can be charged with illegal streaming. If you sell the illicit content and pocket the proceeds, you will be criminally liable, and you may face prosecution. If found guilty, you may be required to pay damage claims for copyright owners.

Note that there are plenty of providers that broadcast content over IPTV. A good number of them are legal, but a few of them, such as Kodi, allow you to watch the content over illegal IPTV servers. Also, plenty of these IPTV providers enjoy TV commercial sponsorship, and so it gives you the freedom to watch whatever program they stream.

But when you use the Kodi plugin and watch the content free of charge, you will be engaging in illegal activities that qualify you for prosecution.

Is Nitro TV Going Out Of Business?

Although Nitro TV is still operating in many parts of the United States, the service is going down. Currently, it is not accessible in some states after the US court gave a permanent injunction to its activities. In some jurisdictions, a few registrars have already taken it down.

Notice that the cost of subscribing to a TV channel could be as high as $2000. However, you can get the same through a third-party subscription and pay less than $20 per month. These are pirated subscriptions that make providers such as Nitro TV face uncounted legal actions.

Because of their activities, the proceeds do not go to the people that create the content.  Instead, it ends up in the pocket of those that steal content. It is why courts are issuing permanent injunctions to entities like Nitro TV, which are slowly going out of business.

IPTVs such as nitro TV allows users to stream subscription content through the internet using aid boxes. It gives pirates a chance to steal signals and share them with online consumers at lower prices.

They encourage consumers to sign up for the content at a reduced fee and enjoy the content that would cost them not less than $2000 per month if they went the legal way.

Also, it is getting even easier to market IPTV services by signing up with several entities that offer IPTV services. One only needs to google IPTV services, and they will have a list of providers to choose from. In most cases, the beneficiaries will pay the paltry fee using credit cards, Bitcoin or PayPal.

Many broadcasters have lost millions of dollars to pirates and black-market TV services. Viewers opt to sign up for the cheap live TV services -a thing that denies the broadcaster a stream of revenue.

Consequently, broadcasters are recommending a variety of solutions to help stop the vice. Some of them include:

Continued injunctions- broadcasters are confident that the trend to offer permanent injunctions will spread to all parts of the United States and other parts of the world where content pirating is prevalent.

Targeting pirates- the authority should target individuals that pirate and operate the service. Also, authorities should work hand in hand with companies that collect the payments on behalf of the pirates to stop the vice.

Blocking websites- the broadcasters propose that authority should make the service unreliable for anyone that tries to access it through dubious means. They propose identifying and blocking pirate websites. However, this approach may not work because it is a form of internet censorship that rogue authorities can use to trump the rights of citizens.

Offering affordable services- legit service providers should provide cheaper subscriptions that will make it unnecessary for consumers to look for options that do not value the benefits.


Nitro TV is a legal entity, but some of the activities it engages in are not legal. They allow individuals to access premium content from broadcasters without paying the required fee. Pirates use boxes such as Kodi to stream, distribute and sell content from broadcasters illegally. It is the reason why Nitro TV is facing numerous court actions that threaten to ground its operations.