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Siri gets her information online. She taps into location services such as google maps. Also, she seeks answers from the web, particularly Wikipedia, Wolfram|Alpha, Twitter, Open Table, Yahoo, Yelp, and Bing. Also, Siri gets additional information by opening Apple and some other third-party apps.

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How Does Siri Collect Data?

Siri collects data from computer-generated transcriptions, HomePod, Apple watch, and Dictation on iOS. This data is associated with some random identifier.

Typically, Apple gives its recording some random identifier any time the voice is activated. However, the company does not rely on its customer’s data to thrive. Also, it collects minimal data from its clients, and even when it does so, it keeps the data anonymous. It then uses such data to understand how customers behave and how they can improve their products. The approach is different from the one used by companies like Google and Facebook. They collect enormous data from users and sell it to advertisers.

Also, Siri does not eavesdrop on people and will only record events when triggered by the Hey Siri command. Also, third-party apps cannot record and spy on an individual. If they want to record the data, they must tell or inform the user what they plan to do with the recording. However, Apple says they are doing all they can to ensure its products do not spy on people’s lives. Also, it has put a policy in place to ensure that no spying of whatever kind takes place.

However, despite Siri collecting minimal data from iPhone devices users, you need to remain cautious by ensuring that your phone has a relatively complex password. Also, you must install the latest OS and Hotspot Shield to remain safe. Besides, you need to encrypt data when connected to open and public wifi networks.

Notice that Google collects its data through visual queries, while Ahazam uses short audio clips it records through the microphone. But this is not the case for Siri. She interacts with the phone and retrieves answers to questions by quickly researching on search engines.

It sends the interaction to a computing facility before it routes the response to its OS when you interact with it. The server side recognizes and responds to vocal stimuli; then, it sends the requester. This is how it simply gathers information.

Where Does Siri Get Her Information?

Whenever you ask Siri to find a video production in a city, you will get more than one result. Some of the information it gives may not appear on google. Also, sometimes it avails information that you will not get on Yelp or binge or yahoo. So, where does Siri pull her information from?

Although the software uses a google search engine, you can instruct Siri to search on yahoo or Bing. It means that Siri pulls her answers from any of the search engines. But mostly, Siri uses Google results to supply responses to searchers. When looking for a location, Siri relies heavily on google maps. However, she can give results that are different from those you get when you search places on Google.

Apple has a location-based system where Siri digs some of the answers she gives to searchers. Besides, Apple is working on a new system that will collect data from the iPhone especially when you enable traffic features in system services settings. So, for location, Siri digs the information from in-house databases. Also, Siri pulls a lot of info from yelp.

Note Siri has been around for a decade now. She is Apple’s voice-controlled personal assistant. She first appeared on iPhone 4S, but she is now available on HomePod, AirPods, Apple Watch, iPod, iPad, and so forth.

Siri is more advanced than she was a few years ago. Her intelligence has also grown tremendously to keep up with Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa.

Siri offers seamless interaction with your device, and so when you speak to her, she retrieves the answer within seconds. Also, you can use her to send messages as well as reserving dinner. She has access to build in applications on your device. Also, she has access to contacts, mail, maps, and Safari. In some cases, Siri will call on your devices to present data or search and dig out information from the database.

Where does Siri get her definitions?

She uses speech recognition technology, which converts words into text. When you ask Siri to define something, she pulls the definition from an online oxford dictionary. She then searches for it from other online sources. Once she finds the explanation, she converts it into audio by text-to-speech software and reads it to you. It works the same way you type a question into the search engine and get a favorable answer. She will give you the same answers as google, Wikipedia, and Bing.

Most of the information Siri uses is from an alpha search engine that stores factual mathematical algorithms. It explains why Siri is exceedingly good at math questions.

Note that Siri is a digital assistant that searches the queries and responds to the end user’s findings. She uses the search and instruction strategy and leverages machine learning and AI capabilities. Also, she learns from the end-user, especially his routine, before providing the info. What’s more is that she uses voice recognition.

The virtual assistant will collect and leverage users’ knowledge and details, which may be personal or professional and which it uses responsibly. For scientific definitions, Siri gets her answers from Wolfram|Alpha.

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What Search Engine Does Siri Use?

Siri has been around for a decade now. She gets smarter and smatters each new day. No wonder that many people keep asking which search engine Siri uses to access the information. When you ask a question, Siri uses the google search engine to get you the results. Also, Siri uses Bing to answer some of your questions. For your information, Google assistant is ranked number one while Siri takes the second spot.

But you can ask Siri to search using the DuckDuckGo, Bing, or any other search engine you want to use. However, you must also tell Siri what you want her to search on your chosen search engine.

Siri also uses google maps because it is accurate and is the most widely used GPS for mapping and navigation. So, for questions related to direction, google will use google maps to give you the desired direction.

Also, Siri can do a lot of things for you. It can place calls, open apps, and play music. Besides, Siri can search the web and give you any information you request. Also, she can display web results from Google, wolfram, Wikipedia, and Alpha.

But the best way to use Siri entails using a phrase such as” Search the web for.” The phrase makes Siri not extract the info from a TV app or other sources like Wikipedia. It instead searches for it from the web.

However, before you start using Siri’s services, you must activate Siri by holding the home button and say Hey Siri. Once activated, you can instruct Siri to search the web for any of your queries.

Siri can help you get answers to mathematical problems from Wolfram|Alpha. You can easily get answers to questions like the square root of 169 by simply turning to Siri. So, whenever you ask Siri for scientific knowledge, she will turn to Wolfram|Alpha for answers. She searches for an answer from Wolfram|Alpha and narrates it to you. It enhances accuracy and saves time.


Siri is an intelligent assistant you can rely on to provide answers to your daily activities. She will help you smartly run your home. So, anyone who relies on assistants for most of the answers can get better results if they combine Siri with google and Alexa assistant .