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Unstable signals cut in and out at the most inopportune times, which happens regularly for some Spectrum customers.

There are many reasons why your Spectrum network disconnects, and we have a few solutions that may help get you back online.

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Why Does My Spectrum WiFi Keep Disconnecting?

Spectrum lists reasons why your internet speed may be subpar or cutting out, including the following:

  • Firewalls: Using strict firewalls within your system will slow down your signal and could cause disconnection.
  • Power outages: You likely already know if you have a power outage. However, if you suspect that could be a problem, you can check local news for updates on any outages in your area.
  • RAM (system memory): If you have a lot of things utilizing your internet on one device, such as many open tabs, it can slow things down or overload the system. RAM, however, is unlikely your problem.
  • File-sharing programs: File-sharing applications use large amounts of data which can slow down your speed or cause intermittent signals.

However, it usually all boils down to two main sources:

  • Your router/modem
  • Issues with Spectrum

You always want to troubleshoot the source of the problem as best as you can before contacting a technician.

Most Spectrum technicians will tell you to restart your router and modem and call it a day. This solution works for some people, but others have different issues lying under the surface.

How to Test Your Modem’s Speed

One of the first troubleshooting steps you must take when struggling with an intermittent signal is to check if the issue is with your router or provider. You can test the source of the problem by running a speed test.

You’ll look for any inconsistencies between the minimum speed Spectrum promises via your contract and the actual speed you are receiving. 

The best way to test your modem’s speed is by directly hardwiring it to your computer. You’ll need an ethernet cable and a third-party speed testing site like CloudFlare or SpeedTest.net.

Follow these steps to test the modem’s speed:

  1. Connect one end of the ethernet cable to your computer and the other to the modem.
  2. Turn on your laptop, and ensure the connection is stable by checking the network gauge on your screen.
  3. Open a web browser and head to the testing site you prefer. SpeedTest.net is one of the better options available, and it’s free.
  4. Once on the website, hit “Go.” The website will then show you your current download and upload speeds available.

If you’re a little above or below the speeds you pay for, the disconnection issues are with your router.

However, if your speed is drastically lower than the number on your contract with Spectrum, you should contact a technician. Lower rates indicate that Spectrum is not upholding its end of the contract. A screenshot of the information is a good way to remember the exact numbers.

6 Ways to Keep Spectrum WiFi From Disconnecting

1. Restart Your Spectrum Equipment

Restarting is the number one solution that Spectrum recommends for you to do when you are having WiFi issues. The process happens completely online.

To restart your Spectrum equipment, follow these steps:

  1. Sign into your Spectrum account online.
  2. Find the Your Services tab and click it. In the services tab, select Internet.
  3. Choose your equipment from the list that appears.
  4. Next, you’ll click Restart Equipment. You’ll have to confirm your choice again.

It will send a signal to your router and modem to restart. You’ll have to wait for the devices to power down and back up again before attempting to use your WiFi again.

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2. Reboot Your Router and Modem

A good old-fashioned reboot can do wonders for anyone having connection problems. Some Spectrum customers have had stronger connections after rebooting.

To reboot your router and modem, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug both devices from their power sources.
  2. Wait at least 60 seconds.
  3. Plug in your modem first, and let it fully boot back up.
  4. After another 60 seconds, plug in your router.

3. Adjust Your Router’s Location

Many physical things, including walls, flooring, and microwaves, could interfere with your WiFi signal.

Here are some things you should avoid placing your router and modem near:

  • Concrete or masonry walls
  • Metal, such as heating elements
  • The floor- always keep your router up higher if you can
  • Televisions
  • Microwaves

Some customers have also had success plugging their routers into a different outlet.

Using an extension cord as a power source could inhibit the strength of your network. Instead, try plugging it directly into a wall outlet, and avoid plugging other devices into the same source.

4. Update Firmware

Routers receive firmware updates similarly to other electronic devices. Usually, your router will automatically update independently, but it is sometimes a good idea to check for updates.

First, check that your router qualifies for any available updates. Follow these steps to see if your model still can get updates:

  1. Find your model number and the SSID on the back of your Spectrum router.
  2. Check the router manufacturer’s website, such as NetGear, to see if your model qualifies for updates. You’ll find this information on NetGear’s download center.
  3. Search for your current model. Your router can still receive updates if you don’t see any newer versions listed.

Follow these steps to get updates for your Spectrum router:

  1. Use an ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to the router. You will need to wait for the router to reinitialize before continuing.
  2. Download the firmware directly from the website of the router’s manufacturer.
  3. After downloading, you will type your router’s IP address into the web browser. For example, if your IP address were, you’d type: “”.
  4. Enter the login information when prompted. You can find the default login information for your router’s manufacturer online.
  5. Find the firmware section under Advanced or Management in Settings.
  6. Look for the downloaded update and transfer the file to your router. You’ll need to follow the steps on your screen to complete this, as it differs for every router.
  7. Lastly, reboot your router.

After you update your firmware, test your internet to see if it is still disconnecting.

5. Replace Your Router

On average, a router lasts around 3 to 7 years- but the lifespan decreases when demand is heavy on it. As a router gets closer to the end of its life, it will start to slow down or disconnect.

Some companies recommend upgrading your router every three years to be safe. If you’ve had yours longer than that, it may be time to get a new one- especially if it continuously disconnects and no longer receives firmware updates.

You can request a new router from Spectrum directly. You must arrive at a Spectrum location to pick up the installation kit within seven business days of your request.

You can return the old equipment to the Spectrum store in person or via mail.

6. Call a Spectrum Technician

There are some issues that you cannot solve at home. Spectrum regularly has complicated disconnection issues that may require a technician to come out and visit.

Before you call a technician, try to restart and reboot your Spectrum router and modem to speed up the process.

Always list important information, such as your network speed test results and different troubleshooting methods you have tried. Have patience with the technician’s process as well. Some Spectrum customers have had multiple technicians visit their homes before finding a solution.

If you get frustrated with this situation, you can always switch networks to something with higher ratings in your area.


Troubleshooting the source of the problem with a speed test is the first step to solving your disconnecting WiFi issue.

If you discover Spectrum gives you a much lower speed than you deserve, contact a technician. Best case scenario: they solve your problem. Worst case scenario: you switch networks.