
Can PlayStation 5 Get A Virus? (Explained)

You may be wondering if you can get a virus on a PlayStation 5. It's a pretty...

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Commonly asked PlayStation Network questions (Explained)

With a PlayStation network, you can play and download online games and watch various streaming services across...

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Playstation Rest Mode (Purpose, Fast Downloads and More)

If you're a Playstation gamer, then you've probably heard of Rest Mode. But do you know what...

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Can a PS3 or PS3 Slim Overheat? (Answered!)

The PlayStation 3 is a console that had an interesting but lukewarm reception when Sony first launched...

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What Happens if You Put Your PS5 in Rest Mode? (Explained)

As of 2022, the PlayStation 5 represents the latest in Sony’s line of home entertainment consoles. Although...

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Why Does the PS3 Make So Much Noise? (Explained)

Sony’s PlayStation 3 might feel a little dated in the face of its two successors, but it...

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Can You Charge a PlayStation Controller With a Phone Charger?

The PlayStation gaming console has been a staple of virtual entertainment since its first iteration came on...

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Do Nintendo Switch Controllers Break Easily? (Explained)

The Nintendo Switch is a unique console that lets you play games in a few different ways....

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