
How To Charge Laptop With HDMI Or USB-C? (Explained)

Today, most laptops have gone wireless, making it possible to be mobile with the (necessary) laptop. But...

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Why Does My Motorola Phone Keep Beeping? (9 Fixes)

If you're a Motorola phone user, you may have experienced your phone beeping for no apparent reason....

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Apple Watch Won’t Update Or Pair: 5 Fixes

Apple watches are the ultimate devices for synchronization with an iPhone or home, Apple ecosphere. Sure, they’re...

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Why Does Gmail Say Offline?(4 Reasons And Fixes)

Google is a lot more than just a search engine these days. Its email, aptly known as...

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4 Fixes – Unable To Charge Phone Battery Temperature Too High

Regardless of the smartphones you’ve owned in your lifetime, odds are good you’ve experienced the intense heat...

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11 iPhone Fixes – WhatsApp Low Voice Message Volume

Are you experiencing low voice message volume on WhatsApp while using your iPhone? This issue can be...

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Bluetooth Slowing Down Your Wi-Fi? (5 Ways To Fix it)

Do you have a slow Wi-Fi connection? It might be because of Bluetooth. Many people don't realize...

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Can You Extend The Display With An HDMI Splitter?

Computer users sometimes need multiple monitors to make their work very easy. While users can easily extend...

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